söndag, mars 11, 2007

Tre artiklar

En inblick i mitt liv just nu. Detta ar vad jag sysslar med, och skriver pa, samtidigt (pa inte ett speciellt effektivt satt).

"Alienated from the results of his labour and people around him as a consequence of urban life - an implication of everyone as "strangers". Warren Susman, according to Stuart Ewen, has described this as the transition from the importance of character to the importance of personality (sociable rather than insightful). Furthermore, life was becoming a game: as a part of a market of objects, the sense of self could suddenly be improved, moulded and thrown away, just like other commodities."

Modeartikel menad for GQ
"Is Britain ready to move on from the old-fashioned thinking that city shorts work exclusively for old, sandal-clad men? God knows we’ve had time to get used to them, with women’s fashion taking on the trend years ago. And now, with global warming on our doorstep, we might have to."

Nyhet skriven for ett fiktivt tonarsmagasin
"It was the tragic death of model Luisel Ramos that sparked the size zero debate in September last year. Knowing that teenage girls are at a great risk of developing an eating disorder, we have collaborated with Beat Eating disorders UK to help young girls have an healthy attitude towards food. Now, we want to hear from you: do you know someone who suffers from an eating disorder or are you willing to share your own story? Send your thoughts to beatsizezero@teen.co.uk"

...och nu borde jag fortsatta plugga.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Va duktig du är gumman, ditt språk är så "magasinit" om man kan säga så-tror aldrig att jag skulle få till ett så "fyndigt" språk och speciellt inte på engelska..
Kram på dig

SARA, sa...

Ihh, vad kul att du tycker det. ar val inte nagra mastervark precis men kul att fa bra betyg, sarskilt nar det kommer fran dig. Kram!